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Cannabis use could be tied to dental issues

Recreational cannabis use could be a risk factor for dental caries and tooth loss.

In a cross-sectional study published in The Journal of the American Dental Association, investigators used the data of 5,656 individuals aged 18 to 59 years who participated in the 2015 to 2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to explore the association between frequent recreational cannabis use and dental issues such as untreated coronal caries, root surface caries and severe tooth loss.

The investigators found that the participants who self-reported frequent recreational cannabis use were more likely to have untreated coronal caries, untreated root surface caries and severe tooth loss compared with those who didn’t use recreational cannabis frequently.

The findings highlighted the link between recreational cannabis use and dental issues, necessitating additional studies examining the adverse effects of varying frequencies, quantities and types of cannabis use on oral health.

Read more: JADA

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