
Letters Vaccine mandates

The ADA is considered America’s leading advocate for oral health.  My concern is that in setting standards for our profession based on politicized information of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention we will lose our autonomy.

Everyone has the right to decide, based on their age, health and other influences, whether or not they want to get the COVID-19 vaccine.  The vaccine has inherent risks, as those who receive are made aware before signing off on it.

As a profession who has maintained its autonomy we should not be encouraging government interference in our profession through mandates.

In my personal opinion, the CDC giving Americans guidelines which it claims are based on science, implying it’s effective for people to wear the same mask for an entire day at school/work seems questionable and misleading. Not considering and dismissing the herd immunity of over 41 million American’s who have been infected with the Covid-19 virus, survived, and very likely have acquired antibodies to protect themselves and reduce infection is irresponsible and highly suspect.

In my opinion, the ADA should question and challenge the CDC and  government entities who are clearly not following science, rather than using these unscientific recommendations to create self-imposed restrictions on our practices, for our members and our profession.

To our members who feel safer by masking in public, wear it!  If a member feels safer to be vaccinated, get the vaccine and any boosters they feel necessary. I respect their view and their right to choose, as I expect my right to choose what is best for my well-being should also be respected.

I encourage ADA leaders to use critical thinking and science before setting standards for our profession. Many places are getting back to normal and living life fully. I believe ADA leadership needs to be a voice against mandates and allow for individual freedom of choice.

Renee Commarato, D.D.S.
Warren, Ohio

Editor's note: The ADA worked closely with the CDC to develop recommendations for healthcare providers for the protection of themselves, their teams, and their patients. The ADA encourages dentists and their teams to receive an FDA-approved COVID vaccine. To learn more, visit the ADA’s resource page:; CDC resource page for healthcare providers:; and FDA updates on approved vaccines:

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